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美迪西2023年度英国研讨会 (Medicilon’s 2023 Annual UK Symposium: New Approaches to Facilitate Drug Discovery) 将于当地时间4月21日举办。 此次活动在英国剑桥科技园巴布拉汉姆研究园区 (Babraham research campus) 进行。我们期待您的光临!
时间| Friday, April 21st,12:00-18:00 pm
地点| Babraham Research Campus, King's Hedges Room
Shaun McNulty博士,高级科学顾问
Shaun is an experienced drug discoverer with over 30 years of experience in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors. He is an experienced biotechnology executive, specialising in drug development strategy and the successful transfer of drug candidates into clinical trials. Shaun obtained his doctorate in kinase-mediated signalling from the University of York and undertook post-doctoral research on neuronal signalling pathways at the University of Cambridge. He then held positions of increasing seniority for Pfizer and GSK, managing development teams and small molecule programmes for preclinical development. He moved into the Biotechnology sector in 2006, joining Syntaxin to direct their discovery portfolio. He then moved to ImmBio, directing scientific collaborations and fundraising. Shaun has worked as a biotech executive for 9 years first as Biosceptre’s CSO, then working for Inflection and Awakn Life Sciences. He worked in the contract research sector as a Director of Biology for Charles River.
戴学东 博士 国际研发服务部执行副总裁
美国麻省理工大学有机化学博士,博士后,深耕于中枢神经系统疾病、传染病和肿瘤疾病化学药物的研发20余载,对药物发现过程中包括苗头化合物的确定及优化,以及成功发展到高质量的临床候选化合物有着深刻的理解和丰富的实践经验。戴学东博士参与主持研发的药物有已上市药物,如Horizant®/Regnite®;临床药物,如JNJ-75276617;临床候选化合物,如Arbaclofen Placarbil,XP21279,XP23829等。
曹保红 博士 药理部副总裁
北京医科大学医学博士。曾在丹麦国家血清研究所、美国匹兹堡大学及匹兹堡儿童医院、美国贝纳罗亚研究所等从事研究工作,在Nature Cell Biology, Nature Biotechnology, Journal of Cell Biology 等国际顶级学术期刊发表论文多达24篇,所研究项目曾两次获得获美国国立卫生研究院重要课题(NIH R01)资助。加入美迪西之前,曹博士曾担任药明康德美国分公司免疫肿瘤学高级主任,MI Bioresearch(现由科文斯收购)研究运营总监,上海睿智化学研究有限公司、诺华(中国)生物医学研究中心等的高级管理职务。超25年医药研发经验,超10年团队管理经验,曹博士在药物发现领域造诣深厚,尤其在肿瘤疾病模型构建和CAR-T细胞治疗方面颇有建树,是一位医药研发知识渊博、成绩斐然的行业领军人物。
Marshal Ma, 欧洲业务发展副总裁
Marshal Ma has over 30 years’ experience for international business and technology brokerage in the life sciences industry, facilitating and negotiating partnership deals among UK, Europe and Global biotech companies with China based large biopharmaceutical, healthcare and MedTech companies. Over the years Marshal Ma as MD of UK Cambridge based technology brokerage company, successfully negotiated many licensed partnership deals between European biotech companies and China biopharmaceutical companies. Since working with Medicilon on strategic alliance and business development project, Marshal combined China licensed partnership deal making with Medicilon CRO services to better serve biotech and pharma companies. Marshal worked on different preclinical projects commissioned by pharma, biotech and leading European CDMOs, coordinated with Medicilon research team to carry out successful PD, PK and safety studies with quality study reports delivered to meet the requirements of FDA, TGA, EMA and NMPA.
时间:2020年03月27日 14:00-15:00